Monday, June 25, 2012

Social Media and YOU Part 1-Facebook

Almost everyone is on Facebook these days. Young and old it doesn't matter each one has the potential to become a fan or customer and learn about your business.  Are you using Facebook properly to ensure your fans see your posts?

In this part 1 of my Social Media and YOU series we are going to explore and get in depth about what it takes to be successful in expanding your business via Facebook.

I know one thing I have struggled with on my Lola Wraps page is getting the readers actively involved in what I am posting. I wondered if what I was posting is even seen at times because I get maybe one or two likes. I asked myself what am I doing wrong? I have come to learn that I wasn't doing anything wrong it was that what I was posting may not have been interesting to the reader. This is where engaging the reader comes in to play!

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I posting things that will require a response from the reader? 
  • In the past what posts got more attention than other posts? 
  • Am I posting information that is relevant to the fans I have on my page?

Now let's expand on those questions.

  • Am I posting things that will require a response from the reader? 
I have found that when I ask a question the is interesting to the reader and is open ended I am more likely to receive a response from the reader and get them actively involved with what is going on directly on my page. An example of this would be the picture I posted on 6/21. This picture was something I could relate to and knew that others would as well since the majority of the fans on my page are mothers. This picture received 446 likes, 455 shares, and 19 comments. I was completely amazed by the exposure this picture got. 455 people shared MY picture on their page! That means that friends/fans of 455 people saw my post and could potentially lead them back to my fan page! I never expected this but it was my wow! I have finally figured this out (I think) moment! 

Now I do understand that the picture I posted was not directly related to Lola Wraps or my products. However after posting that I noticed likes on other pictures and comments on posts. To me that equals success in reaching my fans as well as new fans and drawing them in to my page and what I have to offer.
  • In the past what posts got more attention than other posts? 
Have you noticed when you post something and it got little to no attention but another post got likes and responses? I have! I notice when I ask a random question like, "How is everyone doing today?" I get maybe 5-10 responses and maybe 20 likes but when I post a picture of a new product I get anywhere from 10-50 responses and the same in likes. Now remember this is an average. Not ALL my posts get the same numbers. When my posts are geared more towards my business they get more attention.

  • Am I posting information that is relevant to the fans I have on my page?
Do you post information your fans will want to see? For example if a dog boarding business starts posting about birds all the time do you really think their fans will be interested in what they are saying and interact with that page? Probably not right? If the dog boarding shops starts posting about services they offer for dogs chances are they will have interaction from their fans because they are fans of that page to get information for boarding dogs NOT birds. Now I understand that example is a little out there and doesn't really relate to any of our businesses but my point is that if you do not post information the fans of your page are there to see they will not be interested and you may actually lose them.

Here is my homework for you. Sit back and think about these three questions. Is their room for you to make some changes? Try an experiment and post something that will appeal to your fans and see if you get more involvement on your page. Feel free to post your thoughts and what you have found works and doesn't work for YOUR business.

Tune in next Monday for part 2 of Social Media and YOU- Facebook. We will explore a little more about how to use Facebook to your advantage when it comes to your business.


  1. Thank you! I am a new business on FB and struggling with my fan base. Thanks for the tips!

  2. Love this. You are very talented in many ways!

  3. Awesome tips! I noticed something similar in the mom's outreach community page that I admin. You are hitting the nail on the head here!
